Wooden Church Petajavesi

Wooden Church Petajavesi, Photo by Jyri Myllynen, Printed in Finland, 2012
Wooden Church Petajavesi, Photo by Jyri Myllynen, Printed in Finland, 2012

Petäjävesi Old Church, in central Finland, was built of logs between 1763 and 1765. This Lutheran country church is a typical example of an architectural tradition that is unique to eastern Scandinavia. It combines the Renaissance conception of a centrally planned church with older forms deriving from Gothic groin vaults.

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Fiskars, Finland

Finland - Fiskars

Terve !. This Summer, I’m touring my own country during vacation (4 weeks long). I am currently in Fiskars, where orginally in 17 th century a mill and later a machinery were set up. Pictured are very typical Finnish houses, painted with red soil paint to keep moisture away. These were built in 1820s for the workers in the machinery. Today, you might have heard of Fiskars, becouse the machinery makes the best scissors in the wolrd, with orange handles.  Terveisin,  (Jenny) Continue reading “Fiskars, Finland”

International Postcard Week 2014

KP - International Postcard Week 2014 - MukaMemperingati pekan surat menyurat internasional, dilakukan pula pekan kartupos internasional yang dilakukan pada pekan pertama di bulan Oktober setiap tahunnya. Pada pekan 5-11 Oktober ini merayakan dengan saling berkirim kartupos dengan 17 sahabat dari Amerika Serikat, Finlandia dan India. Berikut ini adalah kartupos-kartupos dari mereka dan juga kartupos yang saya kirimkan untuk mereka.  Continue reading “International Postcard Week 2014”